
How to Tell Your Period Is Coming Quiz

Puberty & Period

Myths Busted!

Want to be sure you're giving your daughter the right advice about puberty?

Take this fun period facts quiz together, to help you both sort the puberty facts from the fiction and dispel those period myths.


A period lasts for exactly one week.

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Everyone's period is different. It's perfectly natural for a period to last anywhere between 3 to 7 days. Periods can sometimes be a little irregular, especially when they first begin.

They might also vary slightly in length from month to month, especially in the beginning.

But if, after the first year, they seem unusually short or long – or are still very irregular – it might be worth making an appointment with a doctor to talk about it.

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Everyone's period is different. It's perfectly natural for a period to last anywhere between 3 to 7 days. Periods can sometimes be a little irregular, especially when they first begin.

They might also vary slightly in length from month to month, especially in the beginning.

But if, after the first year, they seem unusually short or long – or are still very irregular – it might be worth making an appointment with a doctor to talk about it.


I've started noticing a whitish liquid in my underwear. I guess this is a normal part of my body changing, right?

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Discharge is a perfectly natural fluid produced by your body to help prevent the vagina from drying out and protect it from infections. Getting it can be a sign that you're a few months away from starting your periods.

Once you start menstruating, don't worry if discharge changes slightly during your cycle; it can vary from clear to milky white, and the amount often increases when you ovulate. You can use pantyliners, like Always Daily Thin Liners for everyday freshness.

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Discharge is a perfectly natural fluid produced by your body to help prevent the vagina from drying out and protect it from infections. Getting it can be a sign that you're a few months away from starting your periods.

Once you start menstruating, don't worry if discharge changes slightly during your cycle; it can vary from clear to milky white, and the amount often increases when you ovulate. You can use pantyliners, like Always Daily Thin Liners for everyday freshness.


I will lose around half a pint of blood during my period.

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False !

On average, women lose between 4 and 12 teaspoons of menstrual fluid during their period, but only a small amount of that is blood - and only a little comes out at a time.

Your flow may be slightly heavier at the beginning of your period but, don't worry, it's not going to all gush out at once!

To help you feel protected during your period, try Always Radiant pads – and use the My Fit tool to find the right size for you. You can find it on every pack!

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On average, women lose between 4 and 12 teaspoons of menstrual fluid during their period, but only a small amount of that is blood - and only a little comes out at a time.

Your flow may be slightly heavier at the beginning of your period but, don't worry, it's not going to all gush out at once!

To help you feel protected during your period, try Always Radiant pads – and use the My Fit tool to find the right size for you. You can find it on every pack!


I shouldn't talk about my periods with others.

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False !

Periods are a natural, healthy thing so you shouldn't be afraid of talking about them to whoever you want, whenever you want!

Moms and older sisters are great to talk to, because they've been through it and can offer advice. Friends are a good support, too - especially if you've run out of pads and tampons.

Periods shouldn't feel like a taboo subject, so be open with other family members. Dad probably understands more about periods than you think!

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False !

Periods are a natural, healthy thing so you shouldn't be afraid of talking about them to whoever you want, whenever you want!

Moms and older sisters are great to talk to, because they've been through it and can offer advice. Friends are a good support, too - especially if you've run out of pads and tampons.

Periods shouldn't feel like a taboo subject, so be open with other family members. Dad probably understands more about periods than you think!


It's normal if I have one boob bigger than the other.

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True !

Like everything else, breasts come in all different shapes and sizes, and develop at different rates.

You shouldn't worry if one of your breasts is bigger than the other. In most cases, they'll end up being a similar size once puberty has finished. But if they don't, it shouldn't be cause for concern – many women have slightly different-sized breasts all their lives!

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True !

Like everything else, breasts come in all different shapes and sizes, and develop at different rates.

You shouldn't worry if one of your breasts is bigger than the other. In most cases, they'll end up being a similar size once puberty has finished. But if they don't, it shouldn't be cause for concern – many women have slightly different-sized breasts all their lives!


It's good for me to exercise when I've got my period.

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True !

Although it might be the last thing you feel like doing, exercise can actually ease cramps as it increases blood flow, which helps muscles relax.

It also releases chemicals called endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller. Smart, huh?

Light stretching or a brisk walk are good – or if swimming's your thing, you could try tampons like Tampax Pearl.

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True !

Although it might be the last thing you feel like doing, exercise can actually ease cramps as it increases blood flow, which helps muscles relax.

It also releases chemicals called endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller. Smart, huh?

Light stretching or a brisk walk are good – or if swimming's your thing, you could try tampons like Tampax Pearl.


Using tampons means I'll lose my virginity.

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False !

Inserting a tampon won't mean you lose your virginity
– only having sex can do that.

As soon as you start having your periods, you're old enough to use tampons and your body is ready (as long as you feel ready – and your parents are cool with it, too!).

And you don't need to worry about
it being difficult to insert; Tampax Pearl tampons have
a smooth applicator with a rounded tip for easy insertion.

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False !

Inserting a tampon won't mean you lose your virginity
– only having sex can do that.

As soon as you start having your periods, you're old enough to use tampons and your body is ready (as long as you feel ready – and your parents are cool with it, too!).

And you don't need to worry about
it being difficult to insert; Tampax Pearl tampons have
a smooth applicator with a rounded tip for easy insertion.


I'll put on weight during puberty.

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During puberty, it's inevitable that you're going to put on some weight as your pelvis (the large bone across your hips) grows, your hips get wider, your breasts develop, and you continue to get taller.

This is a completely natural part of puberty. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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During puberty, it's inevitable that you're going to put on some weight as your pelvis (the large bone across your hips) grows, your hips get wider, your breasts develop, and you continue to get taller.

This is a completely natural part of puberty. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and you'll have nothing to worry about.


I should see a doctor when I get my first period.

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Unless there is a problem, like severe pain or excessive bleeding, there's no need to see a doctor when you get your first period.

Having periods is a perfectly normal part of growing up. If you are worried, you should talk to your mom or dad, or another close adult to help put your mind at ease.

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Unless there is a problem, like severe pain or excessive bleeding, there's no need to see a doctor when you get your first period.

Having periods is a perfectly normal part of growing up. If you are worried, you should talk to your mom or dad, or another close adult to help put your mind at ease.


My brain is not fully developed by the time I reach puberty.

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While changes to the body during puberty are obvious, your brain also develops during puberty. You'll probably develop new and stronger emotions and become more aware of what people around you are doing and thinking.

These changes can affect your confidence, but they are normal. And it's important to remember that you have control over whether you listen to the bad stuff or focus on the good.

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While changes to the body during puberty are obvious, your brain also develops during puberty. You'll probably develop new and stronger emotions and become more aware of what people around you are doing and thinking.

These changes can affect your confidence, but they are normal. And it's important to remember that you have control over whether you listen to the bad stuff or focus on the good.


Missing a period doesn't necessarily mean I'm pregnant.

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There are lots of reasons why you might miss a period. In the first year or so, it's common for periods to be irregular.

You might have two periods in one month, or several months without a period. Stress, extreme exercise, or diet can also be reasons why you miss a period.

If you're worried about missing periods, or have had sex and think you might be pregnant, you should speak to a trusted adult or see your OBGYN to find out.

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There are lots of reasons why you might miss a period. In the first year or so, it's common for periods to be irregular.

You might have two periods in one month, or several months without a period. Stress, extreme exercise, or diet can also be reasons why you miss a period.

If you're worried about missing periods, or have had sex and think you might be pregnant, you should speak to a trusted adult or see your OBGYN to find out.


When I'm 12, I'll probably get my first period, like my friends.

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Every girl is different. There is no right time for your first period to come, although most girls get it between the ages of 10 to 16.

Your periods will start when your body is ready, usually two years after you start developing breasts. If you haven't started your periods by 16, talk to a trusted adult or doctor.

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Every girl is different. There is no right time for your first period to come, although most girls get it between the ages of 10 to 16.

Your periods will start when your body is ready, usually two years after you start developing breasts. If you haven't started your periods by 16, talk to a trusted adult or doctor.


My period will happen every 28 days.

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Twenty-eight days is just an average. Every girl's menstrual cycle is unique and can last anywhere between 21 to 45 days in the first year or so, and 21 to 35 days after that.

Keeping track of your cycle is a good way to figure out when your next period is due. It can also provide useful information for your OBGYN if you ever have a problem. Use the Always Period Calculator to help.

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Twenty-eight days is just an average. Every girl's menstrual cycle is unique and can last anywhere between 21 to 45 days in the first year or so, and 21 to 35 days after that.

Keeping track of your cycle is a good way to figure out when your next period is due. It can also provide useful information for your OBGYN if you ever have a problem. Use the Always Period Calculator to help.


Period blood isn't always the same color.

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People think that period blood is red, but this is not always the case. When the menstrual flow is light (at the beginning or end of your cycle), blood often takes a little longer to come out of the body and turns brown.

When your period is heavier, usually on day two or three, the color tends to be brighter. If you're worried about your period, or if it dramatically changes color, you can talk to a trusted adult or doctor.

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People think that period blood is red, but this is not always the case. When the menstrual flow is light (at the beginning or end of your cycle), blood often takes a little longer to come out of the body and turns brown.

When your period is heavier, usually on day two or three, the color tends to be brighter. If you're worried about your period, or if it dramatically changes color, you can talk to a trusted adult or doctor.


It's OK to swim and do any sport during my period.

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There's no need to stop doing exercise just because you have your period! Always Ultra pads are a great choice to help you stay protected during sports, as they are slim and contain a liquid-locking gel that turns menstrual fluid into gel to prevent leaks.

If you enjoy swimming, tampons allow you to be in the water. TAMPAX Pearl are a good option to start with because they are easy to use and offer great protection.

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There's no need to stop doing exercise just because you have your period! Always Ultra pads are a great choice to help you stay protected during sports, as they are slim and contain a liquid-locking gel that turns menstrual fluid into gel to prevent leaks.

If you enjoy swimming, tampons allow you to be in the water. TAMPAX Pearl are a good option to start with because they are easy to use and offer great protection.

Puberty & Period

Myths Busted!

For more information on periods, watch The Menstrual Cycle Demystified


How to Tell Your Period Is Coming Quiz


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